Thursday, January 27, 2022

Role Model of the Day

Think? uni9ja

This person is beautiful, intelligent and talented! An incredible comedienne and actress. She recently bagged a Ph.d from the University of Lagos (Unilag). Her dedication speech to her mum and how far she has come to get to where she is today is one of the reasons why she is the TU9 Role model of the day, her name is Dr. Helen Paul! Please put some respect on the name!

Helen’s dedication speech revealed how she was conceived, sadly due to rape and she thanked her mum and dedicating the Ph.D to her mother. In her words;

” I HELEN PAUL dedicate this to my mum, you gave birth to me out of rape, they told you i wouldn’t amount to anything

I grew up hearing from family members; being called a “Bastard” and each time i asked you, you said (Olorun lon wo omo werey, Olorun ma wo é. It means God watches the child of a mad person, he’d watch over you.)

Mummy i want you to know i love you, i might not buy you Benz now because i don’t have a Pant yet but this certificate will amount to something great.

They say Fame is nothing but Grace is everything and i pray for grace in everything i do

I’m not a Cele member but Late Osofa gave me the name and everything Late Osofa said about Helen Paul is coming to pass.

I dedicate this to every mother, may God make you strong enough to survive and enjoy the fruit of your labor.

The beauty of this true life story is that, she did not let her beginning or birth circumstances, or even naysayers define her future. Thank you Helen, for being an inspiration to every young person out there.

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