Wednesday, February 22, 2017

New Planets Found By NASA!

NASA has just found seven (seven!) Earth-sized planets orbiting around a dwarf star named Trappist-1.

The star is only 40 light years away from us – not very far in the grand scheme of things. At least three of these planets might be habitable, making this groundbreaking discovery especially ripe with opportunity to find alien life. “The Trappist-1 planets make the search for life in the galaxy imminent,” astronomer Sara Seager told the New York Times.“For the first time ever, we don’t have to speculate. We just have to wait and then make very careful observations and see what is in the atmospheres of the Trappist planets.”

To learn more about the work happening behind-the-scenes to make discoveries like this one, watch Sara’s #TEDtalk on exoplanets at

Source: Tedtalls.

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