Saturday, August 17, 2013

FROM A FRIEND AWAY FROM HOME...Information is Powerful... Science And Technology

HELLO FRIENDS--- A white man once said, “to hide something from a black man put it inside a book". This means the black man doesn't have patience to seek information in a TEXT and when he sees a long essay or a big text book, he is not patient enough to read it through to the end. To test this statement, i have written a long essay from my heart even without a manuscript about the PROSPECT of Bioengineering as a field every physicist, computer scientist and electrical engineers is qualified enough to explore. Please take your time to dig out the deep treasure hidden in this short essay which i wrote out of my growing interest in Biomedical engineering as a field that is changing the face of health care, medical research, pharmacy, applied sciences and Investors Preferences. 

I believe sharing information is a service we owe each other and its better than giving money to a man. Friends do you know Biomedical engineering/Bioengineering is one of the most challenging field a physicist, computer scientist and engineers can think of specializing in??..Especially those of you who once loved medicine, biology or even chemistry. I never knew what Bioengineering entailed until i came to Korea. Here, Biomedical engineering is a field so important that Samsung, POSCO(biggest steel company in the world), Microsoft and almost all Big IT companies from Asia to US are continuously investing billions of dollars into this’s a beautiful and complex field that combines medical scientist, surgeons, physicist, computer scientist and electrical engineers into one specialization...Bio engineers are fast changing the world..In a Review Bill Gates wrote last week, he said “No one knows for sure which field or innovation will be the biggest tomorrow so doesn't wonder why Microsoft and other big companies are investing in Bio-medical/Bio-engineering". 

US government, Korea government, German governments, Big pharmaceuticals and top universities are investing billions of dollars in Bioengineering and you can go and research the figures yourself. Bio engineers are designing models to analyze cancer cells using super computers and mainframes, using 3D printing they are designing vital human organs in the Laboratory and implanting artificial veins and organs, which they made in the LAB expertise from Computer scientist, physicist, and medical doctors and surgeons...This field also include Bio-fuels and Biodiesel production...As i said earlier, i thought this was a field specially for medical doctors, but until i meet a friend who is from Ghana. He had a First class in computer engineering but was advised to do masters(without a need for PGD) In Biomedical in he pursuing a PHD in Bioengineering in South Korea...through him, i learnt how bio engineers are designing physical models(same way you have been doing all your life in physics, material sciences, electrical engineering and Quantum mechanics..all you did at FUT O was designing models..that was my conclusion of the physics we did at FUTO and that is a useful skill in all fields of engineering, medical researches and sciences in general) for the human body systems, the cells and even going ahead to program and analyze their models using mathematical techniques like numerical computational techniques which many of us are quite familiar with....

I never knew Physicist could become Biomedical engineers working in special projects with Neurosurgeons, computer scientist and electrical engineers...This is a great prospect and a fine specialization..I hope to share some masters advert in Biomedical engineering with anyone and if you read the requirement of such programs and the type of researches they are doing , you will be inspired to know more about Biomedical engineering...The most important thing is that bio engineers are giving hope and life to seriously ill patients..e.g using SEMICONDUCTORS CHIP transplants into the retina of the human eyes, Bio engineers at Cambridge university, where able to give shady visions to blind goes so exciting and wide...Bio engineers have been able to design very complicated audio sensors to be implanted into the human ears to help deaf people hear..using principles of physics and electrical engineering, these devices are powered by trapping energy from the inner ear and sent to the device and also receive sound waves in similar manner explained by physical laws and principles..Bio engineers, also design artificial heart(Called HEART-PACERS) that do not need batteries but get charged by magnetic couplings using Faraday's principles and laws(the same coupling that helps transfer energy wirelessly in a Transformer) etc.. The possibilities in Biomedical engineering are so wide and i want you guys to know there are many big companies and lots of hospital both abroad and Nigeria that are looking for Bio engineers to employ with big pay Cheque… Now i understand why Doc. Orji, in Physics, at Futo and other good universities in Nigeria, UNIBEN is one of the Nigerian Universities, where such a course is offered at graduate level…

But medical physics is just a section of Bioengineering and its not only about repairing and designing medical instruments used in the hospitals, but also is a branch of Bioengineering that has great application in medicine too.... I am just trying to share information, because lack of information steals opportunity from a man. Initially, I thought “IT guys” are those that do CCNA, MCSE and ORACLE, but abroad most IT/electrical/physics students( like in S/Korea), don't even take these IT courses, we often kill ourselves to do in Nigeria, in order to be called an IT professional, To many in Nigeria, IT professionals are those sitting in a server room to ensure everybody's computer is in good working condition…That is a flawed picture and so incomplete in describing who an IT professional is...I never knew an IT professional includes Electromagnetic engineers, people who design broadband Antennas and microwave systems for Aircraft communication, Broadcasting systems , optical communication systems or those guys who help to design useful computer and medical interfaces that interact with the human body in order to communicate by wirelessly protocols useful vital information(in video , sound or text format ) about a patient to an output recipient. I never knew IT professional are responsible for designing communication protocols for RFID implantable chips(In Obama care) and other security/Identification systems used by cargo/freight companies to monitors goods on high sea to those used by marketing companies to monitor sales and demands of goods. Actually such a poor description of IT that goes down to doing CCNA, MCSE or ORACLE DATABASE is a reflection of how backwards our Universities have become as our students don't even learn about updated courses of studies on recent development in computing and applied sciences let alone do researches in these emerging fields.

Our curricula, narrows our mind and understanding of the vast application of science, engineering and computing... My professor here in South Korea worked at Samsung as a wireless mobile engineer for 10years, but today he is getting research funding from companies to design nano-wireless Bio sensor systems that can send video images and wireless data’s of a patient's internal organs from wherever the patient is residing to their doctors ( e.g. from their homes and offices and their doctors in remote locations distances apart using radio communication protocols) and he works as researcher in one of the LAB in the IT/Electronics department in my university. Through his researches and similar works done all round the world, doctors would be able to monitor on real time( every seconds) the condition of their patient's internal organs like the heart, lungs or liver and that is Bioengineering and IT for you....combining many field together to bring possibilities to patients and doctors...It's important to note that my professor have an undergraduate foundation in Physics &electrical engineering and this shows how Biomedical engineering is a welcome field for any physicist, electrical engineer or computer scientist to specialize in...I will share below an advert on a masters scholarship in Bioengineering in the area of Cancer researchers.

The scholarship board is looking for Physical and applied scientist and engineers like you...It will also be clear to you that, to do your masters in Biomedical engineering in UK, you do not need a PGD in Biological sciences or Bioengineering if your undergraduate major is in Phyics, electrical engineering or Computer science.This is also true in other countries of the world like South Korea,Japan,Australia,Canada and the US.--- Ezuma Martins.Chidozie 11:52pm Martins Ezuma i am trying to convince my people to pursue Bio engineering and other exciting high tech fields of current research ....nothing is as bad as a nation as finding a nation and her people sleeping and in deep oblivion while other nations prepare for the future ...It's worst than sleeping all day and all night when you have a serious final exam ahead...our nation was sleeping when other nations spent decades exploring the power within semiconductors and computing and IT..

Today we buy all the computers, phones, radios and home appliances we need...and i see Bioengineering as a similar case..we may wake up to find other nations have gone so far ahead of us..we will then start begging for the transfer of technology as its always the case with us as a nation and a continent...who is ready to sincerely transfer the technology/Asset that gives her people a comparative advantage economically and in all in all aspects of human interaction even in military and sports than the people from underdeveloped countries and the emerging countries...who is willing to give away the privilege that makes you a slave to them and the right to brag as a master to many beggars...who is willing to let go that subtle commanding power that makes other nations come to her nation to get the best education, healthcare services and even enjoy the best of tourism and sport..who is willing to share her precious gold equally with the poor...i am talking of nothing less than KNOWLEDGE ...deep knowledge of Science and Engineering.....

I want people to wake up and see that there are vast opportunities for them to unfold and grab the treasures within. But it’s impossible to OPEN an opportunity you never know exists in the first case. I want us to see high technological science and engineering is the only way we can become a self reliant nation and leave a hope for our children and generations to come. we must go for KNOWLEDGE and nothing less than the LATEST INNOVATION 12:30am Martins Ezuma BIOENGINEERS IN CANCER RESEARCH---Applied physicist, computer scientist and electrical engineering majors needed........................Cancer Imperial college London..BIOTECHNOLOGY Specialization.... Four MRes studentships are available at Imperial College London as part of the College’s new Network of Excellence in Cancer Engineering. The Network, which is based in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, has the aim of bringing together biomedical scientists/clinicians and physical scientists/engineers with an interest in cancer research. Students will be registered for the MRes in Bioengineering commencing at the start of the 2013/14 academic year. 

They will undertake a 9-month research project after they have received training in research methods, optional lecture courses from the MSc in Biomedical Engineering and a series of lectures in cancer-related topics from the Imperial CRUK Centre; they will benefit from working alongside other students under the Network. The studentship covers tuition fees at the home/EU rate and a bursary of £15,726.
Funding will be sought during the course for PhD studentships to continue successful MRes projects. Each research project will be overseen by joint supervisors from complementary disciplines, with at least one from biomedical/clinical sciences and at least one from engineering/physical sciences. Please see for more information. 

Student Eligibility All students must have a good honors degree (2.1 or above) in a related sciences subject. EU nationality applicants who meet the relevant criteria are eligible for the same financial award as British nationality applicants. Research Projects Studentships are available for each of the four projects below: Title: Metal-induced fluorescence enhancement (MIFE) for sensitive cancer biomarker detection. Supervisors: Prof Mary Ryan, Prof Paul Abel, Dr Fang Xie, Dr Alex Porter. Description: Metal-induced fluorescence enhancement (MIFE) is a promising strategy to increase the sensitivity of fluorescence-based assays; it could allow reliable measurement of lower levels of biomarkers, leading to earlier cancer detection. A new, low-cost and versatile technique suitable for early breast cancer diagnosis would be developed by engineering MIFE substrates that give large and reproducible fluorescence enhancement. 

The longer-term aim is to build microarrays with a panel of antibodies against recognized cancer biomarkers, giving increased sensitivity in the detection of cancer gene expression. Title: Implantable sensor technology to monitor response to chemotherapy in epithelial ovarian cancer.Supervisors: Prof Martyn Boutelle, Dr Christina Fotopoulou, Dr Emmanuel M Drakakis, Prof Hani Gabra. Description: Death from epithelial ovarian cancer often arises as a result of residual peritoneal disease that is resistant to platinum-based chemotherapy. Understanding the heterogeneity of disease is a major aim: biomarkers that can indicate outcome before or shortly after the initiation of therapy would prevent unnecessary toxicity from ineffective chemotherapy. 
This project would develop implantable sensor technology for monitoring tumour response in individual patients during the initial phases of therapy. 3. Title: Computational modeling of molecule and cell transport through lymph nodes. Supervisors: Prof James E. Moore Jr, Dr Christina Fotopoulou. Description: Metastatic cells from tumours are often taken up by the lymphatic system and gather in large numbers in lymph nodes. Despite the importance of lymph nodes to the spread of the disease, little is known about how immune cells, cancer cells, antigens and lymph move through them and interact. This project would construct a computational model of molecule and cell transport inside a lymph node based on recent multiphoton imaging and histology of nodes. 
The model would facilitate the testing of new hypotheses by performing virtual “experiments” that could not be conducted in vivo, and assist in the development of better treatment modalities such as implantable, tissue-engineered node constructs.4. A fourth project involving supervisor(s) from the Faculty of Natural Sciences is currently under selection. Application Process Please apply for the MRes in Bioengineering through the Imperial College online system (see as soon as possible. 

The deadline for applications is 23rdAugust 2013. To be considered for the Cancer Engineering studentship awards you must also email supporting documents (CV, personal statement and references) to with Cancer Engineering in the subject line, specifying any preference(s) for research project(s) from those listed above. Further Information Application Deadline : 23 August 2013Download this Call as PDF Contact Address: Contact Email: on 2013-08-13 07:37:02Click here to report if you think this notice is not valid or violating copyrights. Not an Official Version. Terms Apply. Please give reference of when applying for above scholarship. Never miss a opportunity, Receive Scholarships in your email Cancer Engineering Network of Excellence Cancer Engineering Network of Excellence Cancer Engineering Network of Excellence Cancer Engineering Network of Excellence Choose an emoticon Cancer Engineering Network of Excellence Cancer Engineering Network of Excellence 1:03am Martins Ezuma Below is a research scholarship specially for EU students...i am posting it here so you can, please print and share with your younger friends, in order for them to see and appreciate the wonders of Bioengineering in medicine..Some doctors abroad are even going for masters programs in Bioengineering. 

Here, in this advert for masters scholarship in Bioengineering, the focus is on the development of treatment procedures for cancer and the search for early detection technologies, which is considered as the best bet to beat cancer----- I just wish it could inspire purpose and hunger in the hearts of many graduate students to think about a specializing in Bioengineering and other advanced areas of engineering researches which the developed world is currently pursuing with all their hearts while we slumber in ignorance of quick money jobs. 

There are lots of research areas and scholarship opportunities for graduate students but i will just share this one on Cancer research by a UK university. Most of our brilliant brains who have a degree in applied sciences, medical sciences and electrical& computer engineering are the best qualified candidates for these areas of researches and specialization but many are wasting in some sectors where their skills and passion are not even explored a bit. Please share my messages with NYSC Corps' members you know and young men-tees under your campus ministry, and share with graduate students from electrical engineering, computer science and the other physical sciences who once had a passion to do medicine and have a love for high technology research areas. As well, share my post with JAMB students who are considering entering the University in the nearest future........................................................................................................................................ BIOENGINEERS IN CANCER RESEARCH---Applied physicist, computer scientist and electrical engineering majors needed........................Cancer Imperial college London…BIOTECHNOLOGY Specialization.... Four MRes studentships are available at Imperial College London as part of the College’s new Network of Excellence in Cancer Engineering. The Network, which is based in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, has the aim of bringing together biomedical scientists/clinicians and physical scientists/engineers with an interest in cancer research. Students will be registered for the MRes in Bioengineering commencing at the start of the 2013/14 academic year. They will undertake a 9-month research project after they have received training in research methods, optional lecture courses from the MSc in Biomedical Engineering and a series of lectures in cancer-related topics from the Imperial CRUK Centre; they will benefit from working alongside other students under the Network. The studentship covers tuition fees at the home/EU rate and a bursary of £15,726. Funding will be sought during the course for PhD studentships to continue successful MRes projects. Each research project will be overseen by joint supervisors from complementary disciplines, with at least one from biomedical/clinical sciences and at least one from engineering/physical sciences. Please for more information. 

share the information...share the love..lets help each other get inspired to become distinguished...
You can reach the author through his mail:

    -By Francis Muoneke.
          B.Eng. FUTO.

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