Saturday, January 2, 2016

"The Creative and Destructive Power of TIME"

Every ruined life started one day. Also every successful life started one day. God must be equity personified to have given both the ruined, successful, doomed, fulfilled, wasteful and resourceful equal times. For the  rich he gave 24hours and for the poor he equally gave 24 hours. Equal time is allocated to every living being. The ultimate thing boils down to how this 24 hours is managed and utilised. Some work round the clock, some stay idle round the clock. To be successful in life, making impacts in your world, attention must be paid to "TIME MANAGEMENT". The difference between a Rich man and a Poor man ultimately boils down to what they spend their time doing. The choices made in life is a determinant of where we are placed in future. Our choices in life takes us to the Top or Bottom of the race of life. Everyone came with diverse potentials, which when identified Harnessed and  fanned into flame, can bring satisfaction,break barriers and provide answers to the questions humanity seeks. All these can be achieved within TIME. No wonder it is often said that "Time is Money" it's quite unfortunate that many only say this but really have not put it to work.Research lately established that any one who sleeps around 12 hours in a day, siesta inclusive, after 30 years is said to have spent 15 years of their lives sleeping. Hmmmmmmm! What a waste of resources. Sleeping is good but when in excess can be and disastrous. Many scientists, philosophers and researchers who have made their marks in history are proven to have always been awake while others are sleeping. The best way to be ahead is to go extra miles. The best way to outsmart an opponent is to be awake while they are sleeping. Its a New year. Eat well, think more, talk less, listen more, work hard pray hard, and above all, increase your respect and value for TIME and you will be amazed at your achievements.   HAPPY NEW YEAR PALS!!!
- By Rex Regal

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