Saturday, November 30, 2013

Students, What Have You Gained From The ASUU Strike?

Ok... ehmm... Yes ASUU Strike is still on and we are still at home... yep!
 But this doesn't mean we should be idle and let time waste. This period should seen as a blessing in disguise and utilised.
Don't just sit at home, folding your arms or gallivanting around. Put yourself to use, get a job and if there's no job, learn a craft, or use your God-given talent. I can assure you nobody is without a talent.
 Please heed this advice and... who knows, you might end up thanking ASUU and The Government for the strike. *wink*
      Xo.. Retina!   

True... And i'll say... We should try to make lemonade out of our lemons!
    - copied from a school 's blog

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