Monday, August 5, 2013

Having The Dapper Look Being A Student!

...Yes, yes, we know school is supposed to be for "learning", but that doesn't mean a student should look sloppy or tacky and rough.
You should still look stylish , fresh and simple, without trying too hard or wasting so much time while at it... Here are few tips for being a stylish student, for all stylish students with great fashion sense...

1. A nice t shirt; clean t shirt would do justice in this in this area.

2. Lovely pair of fashionable jeans; not too crazy, remember we have to keep the responsible student
    look, its part of the swag of being a student, trust me...

3. Great pair of shoes; flats or boots will be cool, depends on you... its all about you *smiles*

4. Accessories (necklace, bangles, wrist watches etc..); good wrist watches can come in handy, remember, time is essential!

5. Remember we are in school, a lovely stylish bag for our books... i didnt forget *wink*

Try this tips, and you would come out looking stylish and a Dapper!
 you could also send us pics of you if you wish, after trying this look, titled "the dapper".

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