Saturday, June 22, 2013

When Should Youths Start Dating And Why?

This is an issue that most youths or people have little or no clue on ! Am not even sure myself ... so what's your take on this Issue? Please air out your views, you never know, you just might be helping someone and your generation. Post your Comments. Let's discuss!


  1. well 2 me I don't tink dere is any fixed age dat 1 will start datin but according 2 d law its 18+ and even at dat age I still tink u might not b ready 4 a relationship. So I tink 1 is ready 4 a relationship wen he/she tinks dey are able to withstand all relationships hv got 2 throw on Dem. 1ce u tink u can do dat den I say u are ready 2 b in a relationship

  2. I think dating is only right for those who have attained a level of mental and emotional maturity. I also believe in dating when it has prospects- that is when it can lead to possible marriage. if you are not interested in marrying someone why waste your time and resources?

  3. i think i'm going to write a post about some of these comments, and why they are annoying me so much. stay tuned...
    start dating site
